
...creativity with a purpose...

I am learning that I am one of those people who just simply must be creating...something...at...all...times...in...some...way...shape...or...form. It feeds a part of my being and makes me feel so alive. But what happens when simply creating for creating's sake feels somewhat empty and selfish?

I found one possible answer to that question this Saturday...

In a cozy, charming, inspiring and adorable home in Elmer, NJ belonging to an old friend from high school, I along with my mother and 5 other women ranging in age from 34 - 74 got together for a stamping/card making party. I do not consider myself a stamper nor do I really know the first thing about stamping nor have I ever been particularly interested in stamping...until now.

I didn't really know what to expect when going into this except that it would be fun...but it was so much more than that. I watched and listened as an organic community sprung up around me - a community of women who love to create, who love to craft, who love to be together and who value sharing life with one another. Morsels of encouragement were passed as if on the handles of the scissors, in the ink of the stamp pads and in the fiber of the ribbon. Generosity was abundant in the passing and sharing and caring and laughing. Conversation was real and interesting and funny and simple. Creativity was flowing in and around in scallops and layers and buttons and brads. Friendship was fueled and found over paper scraps and ink stained hands...and I love that.

I stopped for a moment to take it all in and realized how blessed I was to be there, in that moment, with this particular group of women...on this particular day, in this particular house, one simple Saturday in August...each making her own unique mark and creation in the form of 12 cards - that's 84 cards total. That means our experience doesn't end there...84 more people will receive our token of this day - and perhaps it will come at just the right moment to cheer them, encourage them, comfort them, congratulate them, bless them, speak to them, reach them...

...that is the purpose, and it is full and rich and contains a piece of my self but isn't selfish...and that is why I must continue to create in whatever form it may take...